Optical Gel | #1 Best DIY Pigeon Control Products + Info
Optical Gel is one of the newest bird deterrents available. And also one of the most exciting! The reason it’s so exciting is because it combines multiple modes of action in one product to increase overall bird control effectiveness in most any situation.
- The first mode of action is sight. The Optical Gel dishes appear as a danger to birds – similar to fire or smoke. When birds see the dishes, they are immediately alarmed and, in most cases, will choose a different place to land. If birds don’t land on a given surface – you win!
- The second mode of action is touch. As with all bird repellent gels (various repellent gel products have been available for many years), Optical Gel is sticky and tacky. As as a result, it is uncomfortable to the touch.
- The third mode of action is smell. It is made with citronella and peppermint oil. Though people usually enjoy these aromas, birds absolutely hate both of them.
This bird and/or pigeon control product is also very low profile, lasts for 3-4 years, works on all species of birds, and is extremely easy to install. Follow instructions for proper placement and best results.
Optical Gel dishes can be installed at all levels of ‘bird pressure’ areas where exclusionary / mechanical deterrent systems is impracticable; typically ledges, balconies, eaves / soffits, I Beams, signs, roof parapets and wood power poles.

Optical Gel Installed On Window Ledges