DIY Pigeon Control Products & Info
If you have a pigeon problem, you absolutely need to come up with a well thought out, effective pigeon control plan. Feral pigeon populations have been on the rise all over the world for many years and the number of birds living on our homes and businesses - and wreaking havoc in our lives - is continuing to increase. Although any species of bird can be a pest problem, often the most serious bird problem is a pigeon infestation, which can grow to be quite large in a relatively short period of time.
The main reason that pigeons present such a pest bird problem is the amount of pigeon feces that they generate. Pigeon feces accumulates on the roof of a building so quickly, and as it accumulates it also causes all sorts of expensive structural damages and other problems. Pigeon feces is extremely acidic and it eats away at any surface it is allowed to rest on. It clogs up roof drains, stains roofing materials and concrete, ruins the paint on cars and kills gardens. As pigeon feces dries out, it becomes airborne and causes possible health issues for anyone (people or pets) breathing it in.
Our professional grade DIY Pigeon Control Products include solutions to any pest bird problem, including: bird netting, pigeon spike, pigeon traps, Optical Gel, bird repellents, pigeon deterrents, roof cleaning supplies and much, much more. Simply put, we have the do it yourself bird control products and information you need to solve any pigeon problem, on any structure. Click any of the links below and find everything you need to DIY and save on a pigeon-free environment today!
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't! You'll also find professional bird control help should you need it through these links, so the bottom line is this: you DO NOT have to live with a pigeon infestation. We know how to get rid of pigeons and can help you figure out an effective pigeon control plan for your situation, as well.
Pigeon Control In The Metro Phoenix AZ Area
There are just so many feral pigeons in the metro Phoenix AZ area. It's a huge problem and it continues to grow throughout the valley. Pigeon control is big business, but make sure you get a really good pigeon control company. If you have to hire three or four Pest Control Companies before the pigeons are finally gone, it will cost you way more time and money than you want.
Common pigeon control question:
How Do I Get Rid Of Pigeons?
As crazy as it sounds, pigeons are actually drawn back to their own feces and the feces of their parents for life. So cleaning and removing pigeon feces as soon as possible is extremely important as it applies to long term control. Once the surface/area is cleaned, physical barriers such as bird spikes, bird netting, bird wire, etc. can deter pigeons from coming back. It is often a combination of various bird deterrents that ultimately gets the job done.

Another common bird control question:
How much is pest control for birds?
There are a lot of factors that effect the cost of bird control. That's why it's so important to get accurate information on professional grade bird control products. Cleaning and both bird feces removal and bird nest removal should be included in your pigeon control plan, as well.
At the end of the day, the number of birds living or hanging out on the structure will need to be assessed. The type of surface and/or areas that need to be protected will also play a huge role in the overall cost of DIY bird control. Different products are needed for different substrates and each comes with it's own pricing structure.
For instance: Optical gel. This is a fairly new bird control product and is a tremendous asset to any professional bird control technician as well as the do it yourselfer. But they must be installed correctly to be effective and the more of them that is required to cover any given area, the more it costs. There's just no way around that.