Are Bats, Skunks, Raccoons & Rodents Bugging You?
Serving The White Mountains Of Eastern Arizona
Are Bats, Skunks,
Raccoons & Rodents
Bugging You?
Serving The White Mountains Of Eastern Arizona

Information about Nuisance Wildlife & Animal Control & Removal in the White Mountains Of Eastern Arizona
We love our wildlife here in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona - that's one of the reasons we live in the area. Watching elk graze in the yard in the morning in Alpine AZ or the occasional flock (or rafter) of wild turkey cruise through in the afternoon in Eagar AZ are a couple of our favorite things. But sometimes animals and wildlife can be a nuisance and create problems for residents who live in rural areas. Rodents, including mice and rats, can do a significant amount of damage to personal belongings in a very short amount of time. They can also create an unhealthy environment for residents with their feces and urine. So a rodent infestation in Greer AZ or bats in Pinetop AZ are the types of critter problems that need to be eradicated from your home ASAP. Bobcats, foxes, and coyotes can be a threat to pets, chickens, livestock - and on rare occasions, even small children. Raccoons love to get into our trash or gardens and make a mess and they'll sometimes set up shop in an attic or chimney, which is no good. Bats and birds make a huge mess and can simply drive you crazy. And skunks - well, skunks stink! Most species of wildlife can carry and transmit a variety of different diseases such as rabies, baylisascaris procyonis, giardiasis and many others. Simply put, wild animals and wildlife have their place in the world and, generally speaking, it's not within your personal space.
Nuisance Wildlife Solutions
So, what's the solution? Often it's human created environmental factors that have attracted the critters in the first place and those should be addressed for long term control. But wildlife can be stubborn and sometimes just won't leave. That's when the help of an experienced animal control & removal specialist/wildlife trapper can help. Contracting a professional for humane and effective animal/wildlife control and removal services will usually be less expensive - and almost always less frustrating - than living with the problem long term. If the animal(s) has been humanely relocated far enough away and the environmental conditions that attracted them there in the first place are remedied, everyone wins and the problem is licked. Sometimes it may be prudent to add in the use of some repellents, monitoring devices, and/or exclusion work to help ensure the long term results the customer needs.
Animal Control Solutions
Animal and/or wildlife control, trapping, removal and exclusion work has been a specialty of ours for years and is something that we enjoy doing. As a pest control company, offering animal control and removal services here in the Show Low AZ area just makes sense. We're good at it, enjoy it and believe it to be a service that folks around here will need from time to time. We're available to business's and residents of Alpine, Concho, Eagar, Forest Lakes, Greer, Heber-Overgaard, Holbrook, Linden, Nutrioso, Pinedale, Pinetop-Lakeside, Show Low, Snowflake, Springerville, St. Johns, Taylor, Vernon and throughout much of Navajo County and Apache County. If you have questions about a critter problem or need our help, fill out the contact form below or give us a call for the best advice or free quote we can offer.
DIY Pigeon Control
Pigeon control can be very tricky. You need a well thought our plan of attack and the best do it yourself pigeon control products to be successful. If you're dealing with a pigeon infestation in the White Mountains, we have solutions. Check out our DIY Pigeon Control Page HERE.
Information about Nuisance Wildlife & Animal Control & Removal in the White Mountains Of Eastern Arizona
We love our wildlife here in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona - that's one of the reasons we live in the area. Watching elk graze in the yard in the morning in Alpine AZ or the occasional flock (or rafter) of wild turkey cruise through in the afternoon in Eagar AZ are a couple of our favorite things. But sometimes animals and wildlife can be a nuisance and create problems for residents who live in rural areas. Rodents, including mice and rats, can do a significant amount of damage to personal belongings in a very short amount of time. They can also create an unhealthy environment for residents with their feces and urine. So a rodent infestation in Greer AZ or bats in Pinetop AZ are the types of critter problems that need to be eradicated from your home ASAP. Bobcats, foxes, and coyotes can be a threat to pets, chickens, livestock - and on rare occasions, even small children. Raccoons love to get into our trash or gardens and make a mess and they'll sometimes set up shop in an attic or chimney, which is no good. Bats and birds make a huge mess and can simply drive you crazy. And skunks - well, skunks stink! Most species of wildlife can carry and transmit a variety of different diseases such as rabies, baylisascaris procyonis, giardiasis and many others. Simply put, wild animals and wildlife have their place in the world and, generally speaking, it's not within your personal space.
Nuisance Wildlife Solutions
So, what's the solution? Often it's human created environmental factors that have attracted the critters in the first place and those should be addressed for long term control. But wildlife can be stubborn and sometimes just won't leave. That's when the help of an experienced animal control & removal specialist/wildlife trapper can help. Contracting a professional for humane and effective animal/wildlife control and removal services will usually be less expensive - and almost always less frustrating - than living with the problem long term. If the animal(s) has been humanely relocated far enough away and the environmental conditions that attracted them there in the first place are remedied, everyone wins and the problem is licked. Sometimes it may be prudent to add in the use of some repellents, monitoring devices, and/or exclusion work to help ensure the long term results the customer needs.
Animal Control Solutions
Animal and/or wildlife control, trapping, removal and exclusion work has been a specialty of ours for years and is something that we enjoy doing. As a pest control company, offering animal control and removal services here in the Show Low AZ area just makes sense. We're good at it, enjoy it and believe it to be a service that folks around here will need from time to time. We're available to business's and residents of Alpine, Concho, Eagar, Forest Lakes, Greer, Heber-Overgaard, Holbrook, Linden, Nutrioso, Pinedale, Pinetop-Lakeside, Show Low, Snowflake, Springerville, St. Johns, Taylor, Vernon and throughout much of Navajo County and Apache County. If you have questions about a critter problem or need our help, fill out the contact form below or give us a call for the best advice or free quote we can offer.
DIY Pigeon Control
Pigeon control can be very tricky. You need a well thought our plan of attack and the best do it yourself pigeon control products to be successful. If you're dealing with a pigeon infestation in the White Mountains, we have solutions. Check out our DIY Pigeon Control Page HERE.
Alpine, AZ, Concho AZ, Eagar AZ, Forest Lakes AZ, Greer AZ, Heber-Overgaard AZ, Holbrook AZ, Linden AZ, Nutrioso AZ, Pinedale AZ, Pinetop-Lakeside AZ, Round Valley AZ, Show Low AZ, Snowflake AZ, Springerville AZ, St Johns AZ, Taylor AZ, Vernon AZ, White Mountains AZ, Apache County AZ, Navajo County AZ.

Animal Control & Removal Services:
Rodent Control & Removal: Mice & Rats
Squirrel Trapping & Removal Services
Raccoon Control, Trapping & Removal
Skunk Control, Trapping & Removal
Bat Removal, Abatement & Exclusion Services
Bird Control, Removal & Exclusion Services
Coyote Repellent & Removal Services
Bobcat Trapping & Removal Services
Snake Removal
Gopher & Mole Control
DIY Bird Control Products
Animal Control & Removal Services:
Rodent Control & Removal: Mice & Rats
Squirrel Trapping & Removal Services
Raccoon Control, Trapping & Removal
Skunk Control, Trapping & Removal
Bat Removal, Abatement & Exclusion Services
Bird Control, Removal & Exclusion Services
Coyote Repellent & Removal Services
Bobcat Trapping & Removal Services
Snake Removal
Gopher & Mole Control
DIY Bird Control Products
Concho AZ