Roof Cleaning | #1 Best DIY Pigeon Feces Cleaning Supplies
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The very first thing we recommend when it comes to dealing with a pigeon feces mess, is to protect yourself. Goggles, rubber gloves, and a mask or respirator are critical to your health. Pigeon feces dries and then becomes airborne, which is how it is introduced into the air we are breathing so easily. So, protect yourself FIRST!
Then, you need to have the correct pigeon control products and info to solve your pigeon problem. There is absolutely no reason to clean up the mess if you’re not going to get rid of pigeons immediately. Before you get out of the shower, they will already be back – making new deposits in the same areas again.
Next up, make sure you have effective bird and/or pigeon feces cleaning supplies available and in stock before you get started. Again, we say: this is something you only want to do once!
PRO TIP: We recommend getting (and keeping) the pigeon feces wet before even touching it. Water will prevent the dried feces from becoming airborne so easily, thus cutting your health risks down significantly right from the start. This is non-negotiable as far as we’re concerned.
Absolutely NOTHING poops like a pigeon! It’s constant and never ending. And it accumulates at an alarming rate. Millions of dollars in structural damages are caused directly by pigeon feces every year – all around the world. If you have a pigeon infestation, you have a lot of feces, and you’ll need quality cleaning supplies that are made to deal with this exact mess.

Pigeon Feces Accumulation